We hope that you are doing well and that we can help you. Through the generous donations of our donors and partners, we have baby supplies and occasionally household goods.

The Operation Grace Wellness Center is open. This is where you will now pick up supplies if you need them.

We are located at 104 N. Del Rosa Ave., San Bernardino.

Hours: Wednesday 9 am-Noon

We have a few rules for our supplies.

1. We allow families to obtain items that we have listed below on a quarterly basis.

2. Items are available while supplies last.

3. We may adjust your request depending on the supply or the number of other requests.

4. You cannot pick up for another family member.

5. You must be homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Want to Volunteer?

Call us at 909-382-8540 to let us know your expertise.

Want to attend an event?

Subscribe to our newsletter and we will send an email blast out to all of you wonderful people.

Common  Questions

what's an emergency shelter like?

An emergency shelter is a place for people to live temporarily when they cannot live in their previous residence. Our shelter is a home just like yours. You might have to share a room but we dont allow more than 2 persons per room. We have one room for women with children thats private and a litttle larger than the other rooms. The house has bedrooms, a comfortable living room, a kitchen, dining area, patio and a big back yard.

It runs just like your home with women going to work and kids going to school. We have utilities, insurance, yard maintenance, trach pickup and repairs. Families automatically are enrolled into our shlter case-managment program, where we work on mutual, short term goals to get our families into a permanent living situation.

Because our shelter is open 24/7,  we rely on the public for donations to assist us in meeting each family’s needs. With a litttle bit of help we can reach more people and do more things to change the lives of women and children.

What is permanent supportive housing?

Lets take the two most important words. Permanent and supportive. Permanent means that as long as you qualify you can live in our housing. Supportive means that we link people who stay in our housing to resources that help them stay stable and productive in their communities.

when do you give out food?

 We serve bagged groceries. Our food days are the 4th Tuesday of every month starting at 9am. We serve over 2,500 families a year with food. If you would like to volunteer please join our amazing team on every 4th Monday at 9am. Our team picks up the food, unloads it and bags it. they also come back on the next day to help peole to their cars.

Do I need an appointment to get services?

Yes. We want to make sure we alot the correct amount of time for you so we need you to give us a call and make an appointment.

what do I need to bring to the appointment?

Typically you will get a list of things to bring. they will include your identifying documents and verification documents. If you dont have them, they will hold up our process.

How long does it take to get help?

We try to work as fast as possible but sometimes there are hold ups. This is why we use our superpower advocay skills and talk to people on your behalf to let them know we are working with you to achieve results.

Why can't I get through on the phone?

We apologize for any inconvinience this may cause. We receive over 100 calls for homeless assistance per week. Not including emails. All calls are logged and emails are monitored by three people. During the day we are answering your emails, answering calls, listening to the message you left and calling back and meeting with clients.  We try to do our best at getting back to you within 24-48 hours.

How long have you been doing this?

We have been helping people for over 25 years, nonstop. Over the years we have enjoyed seeing the fruit of our labor in heping families with housing and keeping families together. We look forward to doing this in the future and we hope you can be a partner with us in continuing our mission.

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1595 E. Art Townsend Drive, San Bernardino CA

Call Us: 909-382-8540